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Did The NFL Protect Its Players?

Did the National Football League hide from its players the long-term neurological dangers of playing NFL football? Did it train its football players to tackle with their heads, knowing that players would then become more susceptible to concussions and brain injuries? These concerns formed the basis of the first class action lawsuit brought against the NFL for concussions and other head injuries.

The NFL was fully aware of the dangers posed by concussions as early as the 1920s and yet chose not to adequately warn players until 2010. There is significant evidence that the NFL purposefully masked the underlying dangers by sponsoring internal studies based on inadequate while downplaying the seriousness of concussions and their relationship to long-term brain injuries.

NFL Concussion Settlement

In April 2015, one of the largest settlements in the NFL’s history was approved with three primary components:

  • Monetary Award Fund
    This uncapped fund will provide compensation to Retired NFL Players diagnosed with any of the 6 Qualifying Diagnoses which include Levels 1.5 and 2.0 Neurocognitive Impairment, Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, ALS, and Death with CTE for players who died by the date of Final Approval, or April 22, 2015.
  • Baseline Assessment Program
    The $75 million BAP program will provide Retired Players with free baseline assessment examinations of their neurological functioning. BAP funds will also be used to provide supplemental benefits such as counseling and prescription drug benefits to Retired NFL Players diagnosed with Level 1.0 Neurocognitive Impairment.
  • Education Fund
    This $10 million fund will educate Retired Players about the NFL’s existing Medical and Disability Benefits programs, and promote safety and injury prevention for football players of all ages.

After over 5 years of litigation, the NFL Settlement Deal was affirmed on April 18th, 2016 by the Third Circuit Court of Appeals. The Kagan Law Firm of Fort Myers Florida currently assisting numerous NFL players filing claims to obtain the compensation they rightfully deserve.



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