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Pelvic Mesh Complications

Pelvic Mesh Complications & Injuries In Women

Numerous women who have experienced pelvic organ prolapse, or other abdominal surgeries for weakened or damaged internal tissues that have received implants of a product known as transvaginal mesh or TVM, are reporting serious and potentially fatal injuries due to failures caused by the implants.

The Food and Drug Administration, FDA, has warned of and is currently investigating serious injuries caused by pelvic mesh medical devices. In 2011, the FDA issued a report which outlined their concerns and the dangers injuries potentially linked to pelvic mesh medical devices.

The Kagan Law Firm is currently representing and seeking women across the country who currently have or have had a pelvic mesh device implanted within the last five years. These devices include transvaginal mesh, bladder mesh, pelvic sling, and bladder sling devices. We are dedicated to representing our clientle. Our legal team is driven by a commitment to provide the most exceptional service possible. A structured approach helps our clients attain their unique business objectives in a pain free manner.

To learn more about transvaginal mesh, or to discuss your case please contact us at (239) 466-1161.

Associated Pelvic Mesh Injuries

These types of pelvic medical devices are manufactured by Johnson & Johnson, Boston Scientific, American Medical Solutions and others. Injuries associated with these medical devices include the following:

  • Failure of the device
  • Revision surgery to remove the device
  • Infection
  • Erosion of vaginal tissue
  • Pain
  • Perforation of the bowel, bladder or blood vessels

If you or a loved one have had vaginal mesh, pelvic mesh device injury, bladder sling complications, contact the Kagan Law Firm today.